Transcendentalist- philosophy holding that ultimate reality is unknowable or asserting the primacy of the spiritual over the material and empirical.
Root word/Transcendent-exceeding usual limits.
When I first started on this project it was called, Chris- a-paloza,(first mixtape never released)but after experience over the period of me starting on this project influence me to change the name. I got the name from when I studied Transcendentalism, but I wasnt really sure about changing the name until my dictionary fell on the floor and was open to the word Transcendent which I took as a sign and change the name. When changing the name I kind of wanted the project to sort of reflect the philosophy,but in my own way. First starting this project it was originally going to to be a mixtape but things started to happen in my life and I started to put more emotion into the music so deside to make it a free album. This way I could challenge myself to put out my best work,and the the listener something worth hearing free of charge while connecting with me on a deeper level.
With every project I work on I like to write my track list first, according to how I feel, then next work from that. The track list for "Transcendent" was changed once and modified twice. The influence from each song came from each one of these songs came from either personal experience, research, or me just story telling. If you get a chance to look at the track list every song is in specific order. What I tried to do is have every song connect with one another so everything has a meaning with this album.
Now with the cover I choose, I choose it for a reason it was inspired by the epic poem by John Milton " Paradise Lost". When reading that work John said he wanted to do something never attempted before with prose or rhyme so I use that as a muse to work on this project. What I seen from this is me in the center elevating to a peak high as the heavens. While in the mist letting go of sins, bad habits, and bad music. Mostly I fell like the art can tell a different story to all of us it's just how you look at it just think deeper.
good !